Admission to the IB Diploma Programme at FKG

Necessary documentation for enrolling at Felix-Klein-Gymnasium

To register for the IBDP at Felix-Klein-Gymnasium students need a good command of English as all subjects apart from foreign languages are taught in English. The normal point of entry is after school year 11. German students must have been awarded "Erweiterter Sekundarabschluss nach Klasse 10", i.e. they must have gained permission to continue schooling in an upper secondary level high school ("Einführungsphase", grade 11) which leads to the national examination Abitur in year 13. Only under certain conditions an early entry after school year 10 can be requested - having examination in year 12 then. For students coming from a German secondary school (typically "Gymnasium") this normally includes permission by a teachers' conference to skip year 11.

Foreign students must prove similar qualifications, such as the IGCSE. For further details please contact the school.

The following are necessary for enrolling a student for the IBDP at FKG:

  • Address and further contact information (including guardians' and student's email and phone)
  • Copy of ID card
  • Copy of residence permit (if applicable)
  • Proof of fulfilling the entrance requirements
  • The last two report cards (plus explanation on the grading system)
  • List of schooling so far (names of schools and years; e.g. Svalbard Primary School: August 2004 to June 2006)
  • Guardians' signatures and delcaration of consent 
  • Subject choice form

For external students: Please enrol via the online ​​​​​​enrolment form.

FKG students are supposed to hand in the completed subject choice form and the declaration of consent form only.

FKG IB Diploma Programme Policies:

Academic Integrity Policy

Access and Inclusion Policy

Admissions Policy

Language Policy

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